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David Fowler to Eleazar Wheelock. 1766 Dec 2. Canawohare.

David Fowler to Eleazar Wheelock. 1766 Dec 2. Canawohare.
The letter that Fowler wrote Wheelock calling Hannah Garret "Rib"
Note or Transcription
Canawarohare Decembr 2 1766

Revd and Honoured Sir,

I am very sorry I could not pro
cure those things for Lord Dartmouth before Master
McCluer left us: I have been in such Hurry ever
since my arrival here, I could not ^go^ to the Neighbouring
Plain to search for them. these Women don’t make such
till ^Winter^ then they have wherewithal to make them I shall get
them very easy in the Spring; I intend ^to^ Send them ^down^ by first
Person that goes from us. I have but one Pair of Stock
ings and Shoes.

My School is in a flourishing Condition
my Scholars learn very fast the foremost of them
got, to the eighty sixth Page of the Spelling Book.
This is the Second Day I kept my School since I came
home. I have but a small Number at present.
last Night I was out amongst my Brethen and they
told me that I should have thirty seven Scholars
this Winter. but I don’t know whether I shall
have so many. My Encouragements are very
great at present now I have some Prospects of doing
little good among my poor benighted Brethen: Now I
design to exert all my Powers within me to instruct
my poor Scholars not only to read, and all things that
belongs to Christianty so far as I am able, but al
so to instruct them to cultivate their Land, this
is the only thing that will kept them to gather al-
so it will make them multiply and thrive in the
World. O that my Heart would melt with Gra
titude both to God and Man for his Wonderful
goodness to me. for he has distinguished me from
many of my poor Brethen, in seting me up

to be their Instructor, O that my Heart was full
of Love to God and Compassion to my poor benighted Bre
thren. By next Spring I think to ^beleive^ I shall be
able to inform you something that will be wor
thy of Information about my School.

I shall want some money in the Spring for
I could not get me a Cow this Year. I shall also Want to buy
some Hogs. I beleive I shall raise fifty Bushels of Corn
next Year. I give seven or eight Dollars worth to my
Scholars Friends which I could not avoid, for they have
show^n^ me much kindness. I find very great Pro-
fit by having the other Rib join’d to my Body for
it hath taken away all my Housework from me.
but I had ^very hard^ spell getting it up here Rocks and
Hills almost broke it into Pieces two or three Times.
But this Topic will not answer to well on long.

I have nothing ^new^ to acquaint you I am and my
Wife are well at present. I intend to come
down two or three Years hence. nomore at pre-
sent. But I remain

your affectionate
though unwothy Servt

David Fowler

P.S. Give Duty to
Madam. Sir Wheelock and
to all the rest of the Family.
I hope you will not take
it hard because I wrote Let
ter shamefully as I have for
I have no Time write as I should
my wife Gives her Duty to you
and Madam
David Fowler
Date Created
Dartmouth College Publications
Place of Publication
Hanover, N.H.
Citation Information
David Fowler to Eleazar Wheelock. Unable to secure rarities to be given to Lord Dartmouth. Condition of his school, hi need of money. His marriage. 1766 Dec 2. Canawohare., 1766-12-02, 1, Box: 14, Folder: 766652.2. Eleazar Wheelock collection, MS-1310. Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts.

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