Moving Towards Accessibility
Department of Philosophy Self-Evaluation
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Self-Evaluation
Reading and Study Skills Center Self-Evaluation
Self-Evaluation of Academic Program Accessibility
Self-Evaluation of Non-Academic Program Accessibility—An Overview
Questions re: Accommodation of Handicapped Students to Accord with H.E.W. Section 504 Regulations
Who Are Those Handicapped People and What Does It Matter?
Handicapped Accessibility Transition Plan
Meeting of the Committee on Handicapped, Nov. 23, 1977
HEW Rules Prohibiting Discrimination Against the Handicapped
Memo to Members of the Advisory Committee on the Handicapped
Memo from John G. Skewes to Bill Crooker, Gordon DeWitt, and Dick Plummer
Draft Letter from the American Council on Education to Martin Gerry, Esq.
Re: Proposed Federal Rules on Discrimination Against the Handicapped
Jackson's response to John Scotford, Mar. 6, 1967
Chamberlain's response to John Scotford, Feb. 27, 1967
Dickerson's response to John Scotford, Feb. 20, 1967
Olmsted's response to John Scotford, Feb. 20, 1967
re: Extending the opportunity of a Dartmouth education to a heretofore untapped minority group -- crippled students