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Blackout, Vol. 1, 1967

Blackout, Vol. 1, 1967
The first volume of Afro-American Society (AAS) student magazine Blackout, published in Fall 1967. The cover depicts AAS members holding signs that spell out “BLACK POWER NOW” on the steps of McNutt Hall, the home of the College’s administration offices. A highlight of this first volume is a photograph of Civil Rights leader Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) and student Woody Lee ’68 (p. 41). The photo caption recounts how Ture’s impassioned speech inspired AAS members to take action in demanding “BLACK POWER NOW!”
Ronald Neal, Richard Porter
Containing Publication
Date Created
Dartmouth College Afro-American Society
Place of Publication
Hanover, NH
Citation Information
Neal, Ronald and Richard Porter, editors. Blackout. Vol. 1, Fall 1967. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Afro-American Society, 1967. D.C. History LH1 .B55, Rauner Special Collections Library.

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