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Blackout, Vol. 2, 1968

Blackout, Vol. 2, 1968
The second volume of Afro-American Society (AAS) student magazine Blackout, published in Spring 1968. The cover of this volume of Blackout depicts a protester poised to throw a Molotov cocktail, a nod to the revolutionary praxis of the Black Power Movement and Civil Rights leaders Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X (their images are depicted in the protester’s silhouette). In ”Harambee,” the editors inform readers that this volume seeks to discuss the divergent sentiments underlying “newly developing black consciousness” (p. 49).
Ronald Neal, Richard Porter, Dennis Young
Containing Publication
Date Created
Dartmouth College Afro-American Society
Place of Publication
Hanover, NH
Citation Information
Neal, Ronald et al., editors. Blackout. Vol. 2, Spring 1968. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Afro-American Society, 1968. D.C. History LH1 .B55, Rauner Special Collections Library.

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