Note or Transcription
I Mary Sequatar acknowl[illegible]edge, and deſire to do it with Shame
and Bluſhing before God and all who are acquainted with my
Sins, that I have been repeatedly Scandalously guilty of
the Sin of Drunkeneſs, and partic[illegible]ularly laſt Evening being the
Evening following the Lords Day Dec.r 27. 1767. I went into
the School while I was intoxicated with Liquor and there
behaved myſelf in a Lude and very immodeſt manner among
the School Boys, I also in a vile manner profained the Secred
name of God. Whereby I have brought Reproach and Ruin
upon myſelf my Character and my precious Soul, have greived
the Heart of my Reverend Patron Who has been unwearied
in his Labours of Love & Care and kindneſs for me and for
the School, I have brought irreparable Reproach upon
the School and the important Cauſe which I ought to have
regarded more than even my own Life, and have awfully
diſappointed & blaſted all the hopes that have been conceived
that I might in my Place have born my part in furthering
the Same. I have Set a moſt Ill Example before the Schollars
which if they follow they can expect nothing but that the Cauſes
of God denounced againſt Such will take place upon them, and that
that with me they muſt Bear their part in that eternal miſery to
Which I Stand Juſtly condemd. but moſt of all is the wound which
I have given, to, and the Reproach I have Cast, upon the Name
of God, and the Cauſe of the dear Redeemer — this I have done
againſt multiplied learning Councils, Inſtructions and all appointd
means and Endeavours from Day to day used with me.
I desire ^to^ humble myſelf before God and man for What I have done
and implore divine pardon through the Blood of Christ. I also aſk
forgiveneſs of the Revd Doctr Wheelock, and of all his family &
School and of all who are knowing to my heinous offenses —
and I promiſe by divine Grace to walk humbly and in all Reſpects
circumspectly, in all Reſpects for time to come — and it is my full
purpose to leave off the use of all Spirituous Liquors for time to
come — I confeſs it is Juſt if I am ſent away with diſgrace from
this School as unworthy [illegible][guess: Such] the Honour of being a member of
it, but if it m[illegible]ay conſiſt with the Glory of God & the Reputation
of this School I earneſtly & humbly deſire I may yet be continued
upon trial, and if my fruits Shall be becoming a penitant, that I
[illegible]may be admitted ^reſtored^ and my Scandalous Crimes be conceald as much
as may be from my Nation and from the world.
Mary Secutor
{Ralph Wheelock
{Bezal Woodward
[guess: Teſt][illegible]
Mary Secuters Confession
Jan.y or Feby — 1768
Written by Eleazar Wheelock
Date Created
Citation Information
Secutor, Mary, and Eleazar Wheelock. Mary Secutor, confession of drunkeness, 1767 December 27, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1349/ddlp.621. Folder 767677. Dartmouth College. Rauner Special Collections Library, Hanover, NH.
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