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IFC April 1976 Meetings Minutes

IFC April 1976 Meetings Minutes
Memo sent from Robert J. Finney to Dean Ralph Manuel on the subject of offensive meetings minutees produced by the Interfraternity Council in 1976, including a copy of the minutes attatched.
Note or Transcription
Page 2
The 33rd (believe it or not) WEEKLY IFC TP tissue
This must be dedicated as the first bathing suit
Issue of the spring. Naturally the IFC hit Florida last
Term with a few of their very own exec’s. [redacted] “Bominitious”
[redacted] commented on the furnishing’s of the sun cities, “wall to wall
pussy.” However, pussies don’t bite only nibble and John wound up
playing ball with a Hooker from the Indiana rugby team (girls)
that is). [redacted] did much better of course getting in good
with a ravishing blonde beauty, scoring on a dinner, and
finally being able to “meet my parents.” When the dust cleared
the girl revealed her where-from-abouts → Colby no less. Shit!!!
[redacted] exerted the unchallenged powers of his position
on the way back and made all of us torn in our $80 worth
of fire sticks to the N.J. state police. Good work eh!

[redacted] scoping in on the Floridian co-eds

Back to Business
1st and most important – the rug rats (better
known as Trainee and Zoo) have left Phi Delt
after collecting more accumulating scum and
are now lose. Are they dangerous? Those aren’t
crickets crawling up [redacted]’s legs.

Page 3
I have been advised by our beloved bominitious that
this page of news? should be written in a manner
more becoming of a respectible council such as our
own. I was given a guideline from the FGB minutes so
I’ll start with a report from the last terms last meeting.
The chairman called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. The
Council heard the following actions:
Heard: The secretary yelling “keep your pants on, I’ll call attendance in
a minute”
Heard: [redacted] tell us that rush figures were up a 100 and looking
good. Pledge rouds are due the teusday after rush.
Heard: A Greek god ride in on chariot and tell us that this
year hums had better be good and a challenge to
all against the studly beasts that will be guiding
the grand wagon. (from Heorot of course)
Heard: Dan telling us that Audits are due Friday April
23. And college bills must be in by May 10.
Heard: [redacted] belching in the corner
Heard: [redacted] saying “Jesus, you got some on me.”
Heard: A.B. Gile is raising their rates. Meeting will be at
Phi Δ with A.B. to discuss this B.S.
Heard: Many ridiculous ideas on how to clean house in
7 easy steps
Heard: A concerted round of farts to close the meeting
and to end this portion of this ridiculous newsletter.
Back to my own style.
Sweet and stupid.

Page 4
To make the rest of if all very brief:
Gamma Δ missed meeting monday.

Dan Corbetts squad of 4.0 are alerted to the
decieving movements in the underworld. A John Johnson
has been selling shit to houses. Don’t buy it. Put the cuffs
on. Book him Daniel. Murder 1
[redacted] reminds us that the Great Frat Race was appreicated
by those in the word. “Chariots for charity coming up.”
Rush is in 2 weeks and advertising has been proposed
in the way of posters and letter. When you say bud…
★ → College billing to seniors is due May 10.
Do it.
Ping pong balls will be in soon at Dan’s office.
Meeting next week at Phi Δ
People should use loans more often. Must apply on
a fiscal year basis (July). You can’t beat having loans.
As Dan said–The way you do it now is pay out
of house funds and get strapped for four years after.
This way you can get all the money and get real
Smooth about it and still get strapped for the
rest of your life. A hand in your mouth is like a
tree on the banks of Dartmouth Hall. What an analogy.

Janitorial Proposal is passed–Looks like its Heineken
for Heorot.
Wednesday–meeting at Beta at 7:30 for
all rush chairmen
Robert J. Finney
Date Created
Timeline Date
Citation Information
Finney, Robert J. "IFC April 1976 Meetings Minutes." Memo to Dean Ralph Manuel, April 5, 1979, DO-86, Box 7314, "Foley House records," Rauner Special Collections Library, Hanover, NH.
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