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Bibliographic Citation is exactly "Dartmouth College, Dean of the College Records (DA-8). Collection. Rauner Special Collections Library. Hanover, NH. Dartmouth College, Public Affairs, Great Issues Course, Records (DA-12). Collection. Rauner Special Collections Library. Hanover, NH. Dartmouth College Photographic Files Dickey, John Sloane. “President Dickey’s Views.” Dartmouth Alumni Magazine. June 1951 issue. Hajimu, Masuda. Cold War Crucible : The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015. doi:10.4159/harvard.9780674735941. “Ne’er the Twain.” The Dartmouth. November 30, 1950. “Oedipus Mac: A Modern Tragedy.” The Dartmouth. April 29, 1951. Office of the President (1945-1970: John Sloane Dickey) (DP-12). Collection. Rauner Special Collections Library. Hanover, NH. Song, Thomas C. Interview by Mary Donin. June 20, 2013. Dartmouth College Oral History Program. Suri, Jeremi. Henry Kissinger and the American Century. Cumberland: Harvard University Press, 2009. doi:10.4159/9780674281943. Thomas Gregory Song Papers, SPEC.RARE.0195, Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Ohio State University. “The Flay a Dying Horse— The Four Great Fallacies of Great Issues: II.” The Dartmouth. March 1, 1951. Wellsted, T.C. “Letter to the Editor.” Dartmouth Alumni Magazine. June 1951 issue."
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