Coeds Sink Foley, Gain 'Equal Status'
Q&A with Lynn Lobban: One of the First Women at Dartmouth
A Request for Assistance
Resolution on Discrimination
Resolution on Limiting Discriminatory Practices
Thaddeus Seymour's Recommendations to the Board of Trustees Following the April 1, 1960 Deadline
President of Dartmouth Beta Theta Pi Chapter Certifies Fraternity is Free of Discriminatory Membership Clauses
Phi Gamma Delta Removes Discriminatory Membership Clause During Summer
Discrimination Committee's Report on Delta Tau Delta
National Officer of Alpha Delta Phi Certifies the Fraternity is Free of Discriminatory Membership Clauses
A Report on the Status of the Four National Fraternities Barred from Interfraternity Competition and Privileges at the April 15 Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Phi Sigma Kappa Meets the Requirements of the 1954 Referendum?
Alumnus of Delta Tau Delta at Dartmouth condemns the 1954 referendum
Delta Upsilon Meets the Requirements of the 1954 Referendum?
Delta Tau Delta Fails to Meet the Requirements of the 1954 Referendum
Excerpt from Minutes of April 23, 1954 Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College
Discrimination in Fraternities, Fall, 1956
Students Protest Fraternity Bigotry
Pi Lambda Phi Meets the Requirements of the 1954 Referendum
1954 Student Referendum Ballot
Alumnus of Kappa Sigma at Dartmouth condemns the 1950 referendum
Resignation letter from alumnus of Theta Chi at Dartmouth
Alumnus of Theta Chi at Dartmouth threatens resignation from the national fraternity
Resignation letter from alumnus of Theta Chi at Dartmouth