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Research at Dartmouth Libraries

Interested in starting a research project of your own? The Historical Accountability Student Research Program Coordinator and Interns are here to help!

Discovery Tools

LISTS & BIBLIOGRAPHIES - Lists of sources in Rauner Special Collections Library related to issues of diversity and inclusion at Dartmouth College. These lists are created by topic and are frequently broken into sub-topics.

DARTMOUTH LIBRARY CATALOG - A tool for searching for books and other materials in and outside special collections. After running your search, you can limit your results to special collections holdings.

ARCHIVES & MANUSCRIPTS SEARCH - A separate tool to search archive and manuscript material in Rauner Special Collections Library. A different search tool from the Library catalog is needed to search archive and manuscript material because of the way such materials are organized.

Research Guides

HISTORY OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE - A guide to resources for conducting research in Rauner Library's Special Collections on the history of Dartmouth College. It includes finding aids to primary source collections, photographs, and digital collections.

Digital Collections & Online Resources

DIGITAL BY DARTMOUTH LIBRARY COLLECTIONS - These digital collections range in scope and shape from medieval manuscripts to a Dr. Seuss glossary to 1950s films documenting life at Dartmouth. These collections have been digitized for class or faculty use, by librarian request, or to support worldwide academic research.

DARTMOUTH ORAL HISTORY PROGRAM - Emphasizing the voices least represented in the archival record, Dartmouth’s oral history program documents events and issues that have shaped Dartmouth and altered or challenged the direction and identity of the institution.

DARTMOUTH ALUMNI MAGAZINE ARCHIVES - Explore more than 100 years of Dartmouth Alumni Magazine on their website.

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