Native Americans at Dartmouth College

Recruitment Responsibilities:
Whether responsibilities for recruiting Native American students belonged to the Admissions Office or the Native American Council was a major source of contention in early efforts to increase enrollment of Native American students at Dartmouth College.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Dartmouth College Native American Council Records Collection contains documents and correspondence relating to the formation of the Native American Program at Darmouth. Also includes reports of meetings between the Native American Council and the College highlighting the misunderstandings and difficulties of recruiting Native American students in the late 1970s.
College Entrance Examination Board
In an attempt to increase the pool of Native Americans applicants to the College, Admissions began to rely on test score cut-offs from the SAT and ACT exams to identify and sort applicants based on likelihood of admissions. The Native American Council would later caution on sole reliance on test score reporting. The following documents are of interest for anyone who would like to learn more:
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Laurie Snell to Michael Dorris, March 13, 1974.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Native American Visiting Comittee, March 16, 1974.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: CEEB Search Template.
General Strategies
President Kemeny's Administration, the Native American Council, Native Americans at Dartmouth, and the Native American Visiting Committee engaged in robust debate throughout the late 20th century about the range of strategies they had at their disposal to promote recruitment, enrollment, and retention of Native American students at the College.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: From Native American Council to Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid, 1974.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Memorandum from NAVC to President Kemeny. May 12, 1977.
- DP-14, Box 8566, File: NAD Report to the Native American Visiting Committee. April 9, 1983.
- DP-14, Box 8566, File: Nicholson, Christine. Letter to David T. McLaughlin. May 31, 1983.
Transfer Policy
As a practical response to the low retention rates of Native American students, members of the Native American Council suggested that Dartmouth expand its transfer program so that Native American students who already had some experience in college might attend (and be more likely to succeed academically and socially) at Dartmouth.
- DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: Dorris, Michael. Letter to David McLaughlin. February 8, 1983.
DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Michael Dorris to Kemeny. March 14, 1974.
DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 6-7, 1975.
DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Chamberlain to David Bonega and NAC. June 2, 1977.
DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: From McLaughlin/Office of the President to Al Quirk, Hans Penner, Ag Pytte, Al Richard, August 10, 1982.
DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: Clack, Cary P. Letter to Jerome Weinstein, Esq. Sept. 30, 1982.
DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: Report - referred to David McLaughlin by Al Richard. Nov 1, 1982.
DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: McLaughlin, Davis T. Letter to Steve Pollack. December 6, 1982.
DP-14, Box 8566, Native American Folder. File: Dorris, Michael. Letter to David McLaughlin. February 8, 1983.
Bridge Program
Programs like A Better Chance partnered with and were funded by Dartmouth College to place Native American students in competitive high schools to better prepare them for success in college.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Report to the President and Trustees of Dartmouth College from the Native American Visiting Committee. May 29, 1975.
- DA-8, Box 2568, File: Dartmouth College News Services (Robert B. Graham, Director). "Dartmouth Awarded $64,000 by Bureau of Indian Affairs to Support Native American Youths in 'A Better Chance'". 1976 or 1977. (view here)
- DP-14, Box 8566, File: McLaughlin, David T. To David Weber. April 21, 1983.
BIA Grants
The NAP and NAC communicated with the BIA and legal experts in order to clarify to the College that BIA grants were intended to be supplemental and not compromise the aid provided to Native American students by the College.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Barney Hoisington to Frank Smallwood and Dave Bonga. August 6, 1973.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Dave Bonga to Gregory S. Prince Jr. March 20, 1975.
- DA-8, Box 2568, Native Americans 76-77 Folder. File: Bonga, David. Letter to Marilyn Baldwin. June 17, 1977.
Samson Occom Scholarship
The NAC's concern that the Samson Occom Scholarship discriminated against Native American women through its exclusive avaliability to Native American men was met with some pushback from alumni but ultimate redress from the administration through the establishment of the "Jephson Scholarship" to be awarded to a Native American women every year.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter form Kenneth F. Clark to Davoid Bonga, March 31, 1976.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Gregory Prince and Michael Hanitchak to John Kemeny, May 17, 1976.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Barney Hoisingtonto to Messers. Gregory Prince and Michael Hanitchak. June 22, 1976.
- DA-109, Box 3642, File: Letter from Dave Bonga to Greg Prince. July 30, 1976.
NAD, NAC Newsletter/Meeting Minutes
Native Americans at Dartmouth (the student organization responsible for representing the interests of Native American students and organizing student events), as well as the Native American Council (the organizational body of adminstrators and studetns responsible for communicating to the adminstrators and students for communicating to the adminstration writ large), kept detailed records of thier meetings. Students would often bring up issues to be reffered to appropriate authorities, and adults would communicate to students pn how best to coordinate efforts on recent/ongoing initiatives.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Dartmouth College Native American Council Records Collection contains documents and correspondence relating to the formation of the Native American Program at Darmouth. Also includes reports of meetings between the Native American Council and the College highlighting the misunderstandings and difficulties of recruiting Native American students in the late 1970s.
- DP-13, Box 8487, File: VOICES Febuary 1979 newsletter.
- DP-14, Box 8566, File: NAD Notes January 19, 1983, written/complied by Arvo Mikkanen, NAD pres (Kiowa).
- DP-14, Box 8566, File: NAD Notes January 27, 1983, written/complied by Arvo Mikkanen, NAD pres (Kiowa).
The "Indian Symbol" at Dartmouth
Stance of the College
- DA-109, Box 3642, Dartmouth College Native American Council Records Collection contains documents and correspondence relating to the formation of the Native American Program at Darmouth. Also includes reports of meetings between the Native American Council and the College highlighting the misunderstandings and difficulties of recruiting Native American students in the late 1970s.
- DP-14, Box 8566, NAC Records 1972 Folder. File: Report and Recommendations of the Dartmouth Alumni Council Indian Symbol Study Committee.
- DA-8, Box 2568, Native Americans 76-77 Folder. File: Dave Bonga to Frank Smallwood. August 31, 1976.
- DA-8, Box 2568, Native Americans 76-77 Folder. File: Ralph Manuel to Frank Smallwood. September 1, 1976.
Hovey Murals
- DA-109, Box 3642, Dartmouth College Native American Council Records Collection contains documents and correspondence relating to the formation of the Native American Program at Darmouth. Also includes reports of meetings between the Native American Council and the College highlighting the misunderstadings and difficulties of recruiting Native American students in the late 1970s.
- DP-13, Box 8487, File: Michael Dorris letter to John G. Kemeny, March 4, 1979.
- DP-13, Box 8487, File: Lennie Richard, March 2, 1979.
- DP-13, Box 8487, File: Petition to move Hovey Grill Murals, March 5, 1979.
College Cleaners
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 7. File: Letter from Gregory S. Prince to John DeGange. July 28, 1976.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 7. File: Letter from Jack DeGange to Gregory S. Prince Jr. August 3, 1976.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 7. File: Letter from Facukty and Adminstratice Office and Memebers of the Natice American Council - Micheal Dorris, Ralph Manuel, Donald McNemar, Micheal Hanitchak (co-chairman), Gregory Prince (co-chair) to Professor Frank Smallwood, Vice President and Dean for Student Affairs. November 8, 1976.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 7. File: Letter from Frank Smallwood to Micheal Hanitchak and Gregory Prince. November 11, 1976.
The Native American Visiting Committee consisted of alumni (both Native and non-Native) appointed by the College to issue recommendations on current policy concerning the interests of Native American students, Native American Studies, and the Native American program.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 2. File: Native American Visiting Committee. December 8, 1973.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 2. File: Native American Recruitment Campaign. November 13, 1973.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 5. File: Report to the President and Trustees of Dartmouth College from The Native American Visiting Committee. May 29, 1975.
- DP-13, Box 8487. File: Native American Visiting Committee Minutes, November 11, 1978. Hanover Inn.
The internship program, launched under the direction of NAP administrative assistant Dave Bonga and eventually integrated into the Native American studies department, provided funding for students who had taken classes in Native American studies to pursue off-campus opportunities to gain professional or research experience related to matters of tribal law, Native American culture, and Native American non-profits.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 2. File: Overview and Report on Native Americans at Dartmouth Internship Program.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 10. File: Native American Program's Internship Opportunity. (view here)
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 10. File: Funding for Intern Trips to Washington D.C. and Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 6. File: Daily Journal of Student on Internship ay Choctaw Legal Defense Organization.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 6. File: Report of Student on Summer Internship as Assistant Planner at the Penobscot/Passamaquoddy Tribal Planning Board (Gail Dana).
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 6. File: Student Internship Summary.
Native American Studies
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 7. File: Dartmouth College: Native American Studies 1972-1973.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 12. File: Enrollemnt Numbers for Native american Studies Classes 1972-1975.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 5. File: Native American Studies Grade Analysis 1972-1974.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 5. File: Report of Evaluation Committee on the Native American Studies Program at Dartmouth College. Submitted to Dr. Leonard M. Rieser, Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, Dartmouth College. March 12, 1975
Research on the geographic distribution of Native American students, as well as the local and state level governments agencies that were responsible for promoting Native American interests, was considered an important recruitment priority. The College often funded recruitment trips and enlisted student assistance in building a nationwide network of recruitment contacts. The College also kept extensive records on the career outcomes and post-graduation trajectories of the Native American students they enrolled fro the pirpose of assesing the success of its recruitment, retention, and education programs.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 6. File: Campus Contacts -- Minority Groups in New England Colleges.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 8. File: Report on Native American Recruiting Trips of December 1976. From David Bonga to Greg Prince. Febuary 2, 1977. (view here)
- Homes of Dartmouth's Native American Students: 1970-78. Map
- DP-13, Box 8487. File: Background Information on Native American Studies and Program at Dartmouth College.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 2. File: A Report to the Alumni Council on Equal Opportunities at Dartmouth College. June 14, 1973.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 10. File: Summary of Native American Students, 1965-1975.
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 8. File: Presentation of NAD to Native American Studies -- Dartmouth College (Pamphlet).
- DA-109, Box 3642, Folder 10. File: Draft of interim Report #3: Figures on potential Native American Candidates. (view here)
- Profile: Native American Students at Dartmouth College. Current through Fall, 1976.
Promotional Materials
- DP-13, Box 8487. File: Dartmouth College Native American Arts Festival Flyer.
- DP-14, Box 8566. File: 11th Annual Dartmouth Pow-Wow Flyer, sent to President's Office. (view here)
See also
A Recent History of Native Americans at Dartmouth A collection of essays by Maeve Fairbanks '22 drawn from interviews with Indigenous Dartmouth alumni and affiliates. The essays cover Indigenous experiences at Dartmouth from 1965-2020.
Note: This list is not an exhaustive representation of all materials in Rauner Special Collections Library on the above subject(s). To search for additional sources, use the library catalog or online finding aids.
Credit to Tiffany Chang '23 and Rachel Perez '23 for researching, compiling, and formatting this bibliography.
Last updated: July 2023
A list of primary sources in Rauner Special Collections Library related to Native Americans at Dartmouth College after the "rededication" to Native American education in the 1970s.