Conversation with Dr. Hannah Croasdale

Conversation with Dr. Hannah Croasdale
A memo by Leonard Rieser following a conversation with Hannah Croasdale. Their meeting began an investigation by Rieser and his colleagues to prove Croasdale deserved a promotion, which generated a series of memos referred to in short as the “Croasdale Memos.” In their initial conversation, Croasdale discussed feeling “pushed around by senior members of the department [Zoology]” and expressed frustration with the lack of time available to her to pursue her own research. Rieser remarks that she specifically asked him if she had tenure, suggesting that her role in the department was unclear. He concludes the memo by opining that “she seeks no special favors but rather equality commensurate with her scientific ability and reputation.”
Leonard M. Rieser
Date Created
Place of Publication
Hanover, NH
Citation Information
Rieser, Leonard M. “Conversation with Dr. Hannah Croasdale.” Memo to the Files, Sept. 6, 1960. Dean of the Faculty records, DA-165, Box 10464, Croasdale Hannah T Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College Records Management Center.