Letter from Hannah Croasdale to Arthur Jensen, Jun. 19, 1959

Letter from Hannah Croasdale to Arthur Jensen, Jun. 19, 1959
Prof. Croasdale writes again to Arthur Jensen with thanks for her promotion to Research Assistant with the rank of Assistant Professor. She expresses happiness for finally rising above the rank of instructor and is not shy about the fact that she needed the corresponding raise: “It gives me a financial security that I have not had for years.” Her promotion to “Research Assistant with the rank of Assistant Professor,” was a miscommunication according to her colleague J.H. Copenhaver in a letter to Leonard Rieser a year later. Apparently, the Zoology Department had voted to recommend Croasdale for the official position of Assistant Professor, but when Jensen “informed [him] of the action of the C[ommittee] A[dvisory to the] P[resident] it was 'with the rank of' and there was nothing [he] could do about it.”
Hannah T. Croasdale
Date Created
Place of Publication
Hanover, NH
Citation Information
Croasdale, Hannah T. Letter from Hannah Croasdale to Dean Jensen, Jun. 19, 1959. Dean of the Faculty records, DA-165, Box 10464, Croasdale Hannah T Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College Records Management Center.