Rachel Kahng

Rachel Kahng
Research Project(s)
Hanover and the Hot War
Rachel Kahng '25 is a History major with a minor in Philosophy. She is interested in transnational Asian American history, Asian-Indigenous relationalities, militarism, and borderlands. As a fellow, Rachel researched responses to the Korean War at Dartmouth, using them to discern the campus' contributions to and interpretations of widespread Cold War discourse. She is currently working on an honors thesis in History about the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), with particular focus on its conceptual formation and early significance as a border in the 1950s.
In Residence
Summer 2024
Dartmouth Affiliation
Class of 2025

Linked resources

Items with "Creator: Rachel Kahng"
Title Class
Hanover and the Hot War
Items with "Contributor: Rachel Kahng"
Title Class
Summer 2024 Fellowship Presentation
Items with "Rights Holder: Rachel Kahng"
Title Class
Hanover and the Hot War