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Affinity Spaces

Affinity Spaces

Black and white photograph of Alpha Delta fraternity at Dartmouth College

General Information

DA-670: Dartmouth College, Office of Residential Life records

Box 12438, Affinity Housing Requests (1995 - 1999)

Three-ring binder containing affinity housing proposals for Al-Nur (Muslim student association), Japanese and Korean Studies, the Phoenix Senior Society, the Fire and Skoal Senior Society, the Cobra Senior Society, the Delta Pi Omega sorority, the Amarna Society, the Griffin Society, and a Latino/a Center. Some sections may be restricted due to containing student information.

The Dartmouth


Language-Based Houses

The Dartmouth 

  • March 31, 1972, p. 1, “New Language Dormitory Proposed in Fayer Hall,” by Philip Cohen: Planning Committee meets to discuss a location change of the language dormitory from Little Hall to the three Fayerweather Halls

Chinese Language House


Informational website about the Chinese Language House, with application details and an emphasis on its role as a living learning community (2017-current)

Older versions

La Casa

DA-832: Dartmouth College, Campus Planning and Facilities records

Box 13418, 42 College Street (La Casa) (1/1/1995 - 12/30/1995)

1995 Facility Survey prepared for Dartmouth’s Office of Residential Life with information on La Casa’s physical data, maintenance cycles, then-current building conditions, photographs, recommended project information, and floor plans

DA-670: Dartmouth College, Office of Residential Life records

Box 9546, A-12 42 COLLEGE STREET (LA CASA) FAC SURVEY 3/95 (1/1/1995 - 12/30/1995) 

Same contents as DA-832, Box 13418, 42 College Street (La Casa), see above

The Dartmouth 


Max Kade German Center

Vertical Files


The Dartmouth 

  • October 17, 1962, p. 2, “Maxwell House: Where Students Meet the Faculty”: A description of Maxwell’s House’s qualities, particularly its pride in its student-faculty relationship
  • April 10, 1981, p. 15, 21, “Face of College may change as dorms go up, down,” by Dianne Vogel: “A new apartment-style dormitory,” similar to Channing-Cox, will be built to house about 80 students and include a German Center
  • October 7, 1981, p. 11, “New apartments may house 68 students by Fall ‘82,” by G. Macomber: Construction of Maxwell apartments is under way, funded by German immigrant Max Kade
  • February 24, 1982, p. 1, “Sprechen sie Deutsch at Kade,” by George Mannes: The German Living Program, under construction as a new dorm, is for “students who are pursuing a common interest in German studies”
  • September 22, 1982, p. 1, “Students give Courtside seal of approval”: The German center, a part of the new courtside dorms, give students a chance to integrate academic and dormitory life in a “combination of dorm and off-campus living
  • May 24, 1983, p. 1, 2, “Language rooms appealing,” by Mary Frances Spatola: There is a “great desire” to increase the number of German, French, and Russian residential language communities

International House

DA-617: Dartmouth College, Business Manager records

Box 5668, International House - Cutter Hall (1929-1979) 

Letters and proposals concerning building operations and policies of Cutter Hall as an International House

DA-7: Dartmouth College, Provost Records

Box 4940, Facilities ACAD Affinity House (1990s) 

  • Letter from International Office staff member (Judith Mackenzie) to Lee Pelton concerning the location of the International House, positioning it in a central location (1992)
  • Proposal for International House at 44 College Street (1992), which emphasizes the unique position of international students and the potential benefits of having an international student house
  • International House Mission Statement and Operating Procedures (1997-1998): to create an environment where cultural and ethnic differences can be understood and appreciated.

DA-8: Dartmouth College, Dean of the College records

Box 271, International Office/ISA/ISA House (1988-89) 

  • Correspondences from Dean Ed Shanahan and Director Leonard M. Riser about the complete report on International Studies at the College
  • Letters concerned with issues of the ISA House and an “article on the ‘Report of International Students’,” by David Stern
  • 1988 letter showcasing how volunteers are involved at Friends of the International Center of Princeton University, referred to Dartmouth’s Dean Ed Shanahan
  • Policy regarding arrival at Dartmouth for International Students
  • ISA newsletter from March 1, 1989

DA-670: Office of Residential Life records

Box 13208, Special Interest Houses 4/98 (1998)

Letter from Office of Residential life to Dean Shanahan (1989): With only five beds in the International Student Association House, Residential Life acknowledges the need for more housing alternatives for foreign students.

The Dartmouth 

  • May 26, 1971, p. 1, 5, “ISC Discrimination Claim Involves Two-Part Fight” by larry Adelman: ISC charges DCAC for controversies in intramural ping-pong and soccer
  • April 29, 1975, p. 1, “International Student Center Provides Peaceful Escape From Dormitory Living” by Stan Goldsmith: Located at 16 North Park St., students say the greatest benefit of ISC is “the alternative to dormitory-type living.”
  • February 28, 1994, p. 1, “New International House dedicated” by Maggie Lockwood: The College renovates the International House to house more students and create a space to host more programming events. 
  • February 6, 1996, p. 5, “International House Left out Of The Loop” by Bridget Canniff: Expressed frustration over the International House being the “invisible dorm, often left out of door-to-door delivery of flyers and other literature”

Asian and Asian American LLC (Asian Studies Center)

DA-8: Dean of the College records

Box 7479, Asian Studies Center Dean’s Subject Files 

  • Letters about Dartmouth College applying to the Zoning Board to use 36 North Main Street as a student residence (Asian Studies Center) and a report of the Center’s activities
  • Newspaper clippings from 1986 introducing “elementary Arabic and Hebrew” as a part of the Asian Studies program and the significance of Asian Studies at the College

Box 269, Asian Studies Center (1988-89)

  • Copies of parent email, student list, and agreement form for the Asian Studies summer program at Beijing
  • Newspaper clippings about Dartmouth receiving $1.5 million gift to “establish a new professorship in Asian Studies” and the College newly offering Japanese
  • Invitational letters from the Asian Studies Program to then-Dean Ed Shanahan, welcoming him to the Chinese Youth Goodwill Mission (1988)

DA-832: Campus Planning and Facilities records

Box 13418, 36 North Main Street (Asian Studies Center) (1995) 

Binding of “Facility Survey Prepared for the ORL,” detailing physical data, maintenance cycles, descriptions of current building conditions, building photographs, costs, and floor plans of the Asian Studies Center on 36 North Main Street.

DA-670: Office of Residential Life records

Box 13208, Special Interest Houses 4/98 (1998)

Letter from Office of Residential life to Dean Shanahan (1989): Asian Studies Center/Chinese Language House has space for eight students. Requirements for the program include Chinese proficiency and an Asian studies major

The Dartmouth 

Rainbow Room and Pan Asian Community Resource Room

The Dartmouth 

  • May 29, 2018, p. 4, “Yuan: Change Within the Lines” by Ziqin Yuan: The Rainbow and Pan Asian Community resource rooms are to be moved to Robinson Hall, 900 signed a petition in protest
  • May 17, 2018, p. 1, “Plans for PAC and Rainbow room changes following petition” by Elizabeth Janowski: OPAL and Office of Student Life announces to relocate the Rainbow Room to Triangle House and PAC lounge to the OPAL Student Resource Center
  • May 1, 2018, p. 1, “PAC and Rainbow rooms to leave Robinson Hall” by Ruben Gallardo: OPAL and Office of Student Life announce plan to relocate the Rainbow Room to Triangle House and PAC lounge to the OPAL Student Resource Center

Triangle House

The Dartmouth 

Gender Neutral Floor

The Dartmouth 

  • February 21, 2007, p. 1, “‘Gender-neutral' housing to be introduced next fall” by Allie Lowe: Gender neutral housing to be introduced on the ground floor of McLane next year, programming will center around gender identity and expression
  • April 30, 2009, p. 4, “Is PRIDE Enough?” by  Raymond Rodriguez: Opinion piece arguing that pride celebrations are not enough for the LGBTQA community; gender neutral housing program is an important step
  • November 10, 2011, p. 1, “Vandals deface ground floor of Fahey-McLane” by Stephanie McFeeters: Homophobic and derogatory vandalism in the gender-neutral floor; LGBT community is on edge
  • November 15, 2011, p. 4, “Brandt: Where's the Community?” by Christian Brandt: Opinion piece connecting the recent vandalism of the gender-neutral floor with a general lack of community at Dartmouth; importance of the program for LGBTQ people
  • November 16, 2011, p. 1, 3, “Students respond to vandalism” by Ashley Ulrich: Students respond to the vandalism, mostly with disturbance; students criticize the administration’s response
  • January 16, 2013, p. 1, “Panelists share gender experiences at College” by Zan Song: Staff and students discuss the importance of the Gender-neutral program, accepting a “rainbow variety” of gendered options

Queer Perspectives Affinity House

DA-807: Office of Pluralism and Leadership records

Box 30285, Queer Perspectives Affinity Housing April 1996

Proposal from 1996 of the affinity house, a space for safely pursuing queer studies, building community between queer people and allies, and facilitate communication between people of all sexual orientations. Triangle House Architectural Plans included. 

Hillel House/Apartments

Hillel House

DA-8: Dean of the College records 

Box 7482, Hillel House

Letter from President David T. McLaughlin to Dean Ed Shanahan suggesting to use Hillel Alumni Committee as an umbrella term for the “Hillel House, the construction of a synagogue, and other matters relating to the Jewish community”

DA-617: Dartmouth College, Business Manager records

Box 5680

The Dartmouth 

  • February 1, 1973, p. 1, “Dartmouth Hillel Makes Requests” by R.E. Hirsch and Terry Cohn: Hillel presents proposals aimed to make facilities available to Jewish students

  • May 2, 1973, p. 1, 5, “Hillel Requests House From Kemeny” by David Graulich: Hillel asks President Kemeny for a Jewish house on campus; although nothing is confirmed, proposal is likely to be approved

  • May 8, 1973, p. 1, ?: House located across from Leverone Field House will be new center for Hillel activities, four students will be living there

  • May 11, 1973, p. 1, 5, “Dickerson Affirms House for Jewish Student Group” by Bob Lande: Assistant vice president of the the college approves the Hillel House; will include small library of books relating to Judaism; currently the college discriminates against students who keep kosher, this house will make it easier for those students

  • September 21, 1978, p. 1, 3, “Fire and Skoal acquires house” by Jill Shavel: Fire and Skoal acquire 29 South Park Street, the past residence of the Hillel House and recently a residence for faculty. 

  • October 6, 1982, p. 1, “Sukkah celebrates historic, agricultural festival” by George Mannes: Temporary wooden structure, called a Sukkah, is built by members of Dartmouth Hillel to celebrate the festival of Sukkot

  • July 29, 1988, p. 1, “Hillel to establish student house” by Benjamin King: Hillel to establish a student house in the fall across from Thompson Arena, which will be leased from the College

  • July 28, 2017, p. 10, “Students Find Places for Belonging and Community” by Elise Higgins: Interviewed student reflects on the importance of Hillel in their process adjusting to College

Hillel Apartments

DA-7: Dartmouth College, Provost Records

Box 4940, Facilities ACAD Affinity House

Hillel Apartments (‘97): a living space for Jewish students who want to keep kosher and/or speak Hebrew. Students are Hillel members and host prospective Jewish students, cook for Hillel-sponsored events and have social functions.

DA-670: Dartmouth College, Office of Residential Life records

Box 13208, Special Interest Houses 4/98

Letter from Office of Residential life to Dean Shanahan (1989): Hillel Apartments were established in the early 1980s after the former Hillel house on South Park Street lost student interest. At this moment, only four students live in the apartments.

Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies House (LALAC)

DA-7: Dartmouth College, Provost Records

Box 4940, Facilities ACAD Affinity House

"Latino" Folder (~1990s) 
  • Letter between Office of Facilities Planning office concerning LALACS House, mentions that the original idea goes back to 1989 with a group of La Alianza Latina students, formal request made to M. Lee Pelton in 1997, Pikes House first mentioned as a site in early 1999. 
  • Architectural plans and budget sheets for the renovations. 
  • Letter from students of La Alianza Latina to the chair of the Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies Program explaining their 10 year struggle to create LALACS House and skiing for the professor’s support.
  • Reply from Dan Nelson concerning a previous letter from La Alianza committee, Nelson assures his support; he notes that previous efforts have failed because of lack of funds or housing. 
  • Latino/a Center Program Statement (1997), with the proposed name of “Orozco Center” the program is to be devoted to expression of Latino/a life, share Latino cultural and intellectual issues, and facilitate communication across the college; includes a list of previous student efforts for the house. 

Box 4940, Facilities ACAD Affinity House

"Pike House" Folder (~1990s)
  • Letter from Dean of Residential Life expressing his commitment to affinity housing and the conversion of Pike House, but because other affinity houses struggle to reach the at least the 98% occupancy rate, he will not support a plan with more than 12 beds.
  • Letter from within the Dept of Spanish & Portuguese concerning an affinity house for hispanics, proposal included (1992)
  • Letter from Marsha Swinslocki to Provost endorsing and including the Hispanic house proposal (1992)

The Afro-American Society (AAM)/Shabazz

Afro-American Society Vertical File (1968-2012)

Subject file containing: Valley News, undated, Nathan Lord House to be converted into an Afro-American Cultural Center. Note: the society left the house after a couple years and was then based in Cutter/Shabazz.

DO-47: Dartmouth College, African-American (Afro-American) Society records (1967-2008)

The records of the Afro-American Society include budget requests, receipts for club expenditures, financial information, posters for campus events sponsored by the Afro-American society, receipts and transactions relating to BUTA (Black Underground Theatre Association), a phone and address directory, a photo album, news clippings, statements from candidates for officer positions in the organization, VHS tapes, audio cassette tapes, film slides, leaflets advertising campus theater events, payroll vouchers, work study agreements, reports on campus policy, periodicals and pamphlets, statements from Dartmouth College news services, information on music events and performers, issues of Black Praxis, work orders, a copy of the constitution of the Afro-American Society, typed and handwritten correspondence, protest statements, club newsletters, copies of campus and national periodicals, photographs, excerpts of prose and poetry, articles and book excerpts on apartheid, a copy of an Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) periodical, meeting agendas, and minutes from meetings. The Collection documents the functions and activities of the Society on campus.

Box 3599

Folder 15

Afro-American Society Constitution, which states that the society’s goal is to represent the African and African-American community, be an instrument for educational excellence, and as a liaison to the broader community. Folder also includes a list of Afro-American Society Umbrella Organizations, which include: 

  • Academic Peer Advisory Council
  • Black Writer’s Forum
  • Black Underground Theater and Arts Association (BUTA)
  • Dartmouth Association of Pre-Health Professionals
  • Ebony Women/Ebony Men
  • Gospel Choir
  • National Society of Black Engineers
  • Praxis
  • Spirit
  • Ujima Dance Group
Folder 44 (1985-1987)

Spirit, editions from 1984/85 and 1987. Includes both poetry and visual art.

Folder 47 (1977-1978)

Promotional materials for the Black Underground Theater and Arts Association (BUTA). 

DA-7: Dartmouth College, Provost Records

Box 4940

Facilities ACAD Affinity House (~1990s) 

Cutter/Shabazz Academic Affinity House: develop programs with AAAS, building a community spirit focused on issues regarding the African Diaspora.

DA-8: Dean of the College records

Box 2981

Cutter Shabazz Renov Includes the budget, construction schedule, floor plans, and construction committee meeting agenda for the Cutter Shabazz renovation.

DA-670: Dartmouth College, Office of Residential Life records

Box 13208

Facilities ACAD Affinity House (1/1/1961-6/30/2001) 

Letter from Office of Residential life to Dean Shanahan (1989). Cutter Hall: The largest house with 27 beds, the author makes note of the supportive academic environment

African/Afro-American Society file (1/1/1961-6/30/2001)

Includes Program Liaison Terms and Conditions 1994-1995 and letters and reports concerning the 1990 renovation of Cutter/Shabazz.

Cutter Hall (Confidential) folder (1/1/1961-6/30/2001)
  • Report (1970) by Paul F. Young concerning a meeting amongst deans and an AAM representative concerning a new facility for Afro-Americans; minimum requirements outlined; inadequacy of the current space (Lord House) articulated
  • Cutter/Shabazz name:
    • Press Release (1972) from Florian Jenkins (artist of murals) and an AAM chairman inviting campus to a presentation of the completed murals; also declaring the new name of Cutter Hall to be “El Hajj Malik El Shabazz Temple”
    • Letter (June 1990) from AAM to Residential Life with a specific proposal of the brass name-plate (sized 8 ft 9 in.) of the Hall reading “EL HAJJ MALIK EL SHABAZZ HALL” 
    • Letter (July 1990) from Residential Life questioning the proposed brass relief, noting that they feel obligated to keep consistent identification with other College buildings
    • Letters (August 1990) from Residential Life to AAM first expressing interest in the signage and then approving the proposal and requesting payment
    • Letter from Office of Facilities Planning (Nov 1990) with attached sketch of the plaque and a price estimate of $1500 dollars; a small Cutter Hall plaque is included in proposal
    • Letter (June 1991) from Residential Life Dean to AAM leaders saying that the “CUTTER” sign has gone missing; request for information on the incident
    • Letter (Dec 1991) from Residential Life Dean concerning the name; officially called Cutter hall; student groups want to change it to Shabazz and the dean has directed them to Lee Pelton; dean requested that the map include both “Cutter” and “Shabbaz”

Box 8920

Cutter Shabazz (1/1/1994-12/31/2001)

Includes meeting agendas, an official proposal, a list of physical plant recommendations, and a list of terms that were agreed upon at the meeting, and future steps for the renovation of Cutter Shabazz.

The Dartmouth 

  • January 12, 1954, p. 1, 3, “New College Dorm Named Cutter Hall”: Clark School’s Alumni Hall is changed to Cutter Hall and plans to hold 36 men
  • September 22, 1954, p. 1, 12, “Cutter Gains First Faculty Residence”: Cutter Hall becomes “the first College dormitory of the 20th century to have a faculty resident, Economics Instructor Joseph F. Marsh.”
  • September 25, 1954, p. 1, “Cutter Residents Await Need for Stricter Rules”: Cutter Hall residents agree on a minimum of restrictions for a preliminary period 
  • September 28, 1954, p. 1, 3, “Cutter Rules No Stiffer Says Faculty Resident”: Cutter Hall is an experiment for greater freedom and responsibility for college dormitory living
  • October 21, 1954, p. 2, “Cutter Hall Residents Answer Charge; Support Proctors, Dorm Committees”: Cutter Hall residents’ response to the letter by R. E. D. Chase in The Dartmouth of Oct. 19
  • October 28, 1954, p. 1, “Students Answered on College Policies”: Students are invited to the WDBS studio broadcast for faculty to answer questions, including confusion about dorm experiments
  • March 13, 1958, p. 1, “Cutter Hall Selects New Officer Slate”: Cutter Hall residents hold an unprecedented election to vote for a new chairman and replace to dorm committee members
  • March 14, 1958, p. 1, “IDC Refuses To Recognise New Election”: IDC claims the election did not follow proper procedure, outlined in their constitution, and rejects Cutter Hall’s newly voted committee members and chairman
  • March 15, 1958, p. 1, “Committee Resigns Over Disagreement”: Cutter Hall dormitory committee members unexpectedly resign over disagreements concerning their use of the Social Room
  • February 23, 1962, p. 1, “Conditions Set for Applicants To Cutter Hall Trial Program”: Requirements are determined for 42 male students looking to apply for residence in Cutter Hall
  • March 2, 1962, p. 1, “Students To Run Cutter; Varied Group Sought”: The program of Cutter Hall is to be left up to the students.
  • April 11, 1962, p. 1, “44 Men Selected To Live in Cutter International Dorm”: Applicants for Cutter Hall Housing are notified of their acceptance
  • October 6, 1962, p. 2, “Cutter Hall: Successful Start, Bright Future”: Cutter Hall officially begins its career as a center for students with international interests
  • April 12, 1963, p. 2, “Cutter Hall Program a Success; Open House Conducted Sunday”: Explanation of Cutter Hall Program’s success and future plans
  • April 29, 1964, p. 2, “Editorial: Cutter Hall”: The success of the Cutter Hall “experiment” shows the need for dormitory-fraternity systems at Dartmouth
  • October 13, 1964, p. 1, 3, “Residents To Initiate Cutter-Noth Programs” by Steven L. Sloca: Chairman of Cutter Hall hopes to get people in doms to initiate programs, rather than depend on outside organizations
  • February 23, 1965, p. 1, 2, “Cutter-North Program Called Great Success” by Michael W. Wilson: The Cutter-North Evaluation Report implies the program is a great success, and will be even better in the future
  • April 2, 1965, p. 1, 2, “Cutter Holds Open House For Applicants” by Roger C. Kline: Cutter Hall holds an open house to get applications for its fourth year of operation
  • September 30, 1965, p. 1, “New Activities Of Cutter Hall Reflect Variety” by Jerry Murtagh: Chairman of Cutter Hall states “diversity is the key concept of Cutter Hall…in hopes of achieving a feeling of community among the residents of the dorm”
  • December 2, 1965, p. 1, “Cutter Expands Current Activities Winter Term” by Philip Bush: Cutter Hall plans a diversified program for next term; Chairman Tung says, “Our goal in these programs is to come up with new ideas for enriching the learning experience at the College.”
  • April 11, 1966, “Cutter Hall Applications Due In Soon”: Cutter Hall, now in its fourth year, is a diverse space with different backgrounds and opinions, with a primarily international focus. 
  • March 6, 1967, p. 1, 2, “Cutter Picks New Members During Spring” by Robert Heitzman: Applications are open for Cutter Hall, where the theme is ‘diversification’
  • April 3, 1968, p. 1, “Cutter Hall Announces Openings”: Cutter Hall has 65 places in the Cutter-North Experiment
  • April 14, 1969, p. 1, “College, Afro-Am Society Appear In Accord; AAS Pledges Nonviolence as Talks Continue - Dickey Reasserts McLane Proposals” by Bill Schur: President Dickey issues letter to the College’s black community in response to the demands of the AAS
  • April 14, 1969, p. 1, “College, Afro-Am Society Appear In Accord; AAS Pledges Nonviolence as Talks Continue - Faculty Reviews Plans Wednesday” by Chris Kern: “Special representatives of the College” and AAS member reach a tentative accord on the society’s 18 demands 
  • April 14, 1969, p. 1, “College, Afro-Am Society Appear In Accord; AAS Pledges Nonviolence as Talks Continue - College Releases Point-by-Point Response” by Richard Zuckerman: The College publicizes its response to the AAS demands after delivering them privately to the society days prior
  • January 12, 1970, p. 1, “AAS Condemns CCSC, Blames College for ‘Double Standard’” by Richard Zuckerman: Political Action Committee of AAS states that College uses a “double standard” in disciplining blacks and whites
  • March 5, 1970, p. 1, “Afro-Ams Ask For New House” by Richard Murphy: AAS requests a new building to replace its current physical plant at 41 College Street
  • April 2, 1970, p. 1, 2, “Cutter Becomes Black Center”: In response to recommendations made by the Committee on Equal Opportunity, Cutter Hall will now be the focus of an experiment in the afro-american area. Black students had been using the Nathan Lord House for the past two years, but it was inadequate. Special note is given to Black freshmen in need of a transition place
  • April 3, 1970, p. 1,  “Cutter Conversation Sparks Controversy” by Bill Schur: The conversion of the Cutter-North experiment to a black student center faces various reactions, one of which is of the Cutter-North chairman who feels that the College had underhandedly eliminated the Cutter-North program.
  • May 8, 1970, p. 1, “AAS Asks for College Funds” by B. Gerald Johnson: AAS demands support from the community and requests $10,000 from the College for the Panther Defense Fund. 
  • November 18, 1970, p. 1, “Distortion Clarified On Black Studies Center” by David Aylward: President of AAS clarifies the misunderstanding of the “openness” of the Black Student Center, saying white students who only come to socialize are not welcome
  • November 14, 1972, p. 1, “Jenkins Explains Murals At Temple Ceremonies” by Fred Fuller: Florian Jenkins explains the purpose of his new murals in the Shabazz temple, he integrated his experience on campus into the art
  • January 31, 1973, p. 1, “AAS Fights Symbol Restoration” by David Sugerman: AAS confirms opposition against the College’s use of the Indian symbol
  • April 17, 1975, p. 1, 3, “Afro-American Society Helps Black Students to Adjust to College” by James Danaher: Role and purpose of AAS in the College community through its transformation since its charter year of 1968. 
  • November 24, 1976, p. 1, “Counseling agency formed to aid troubled students” by Thad Troy: AAS institutes a new counseling agency called Project KUAD (Keep Us At Dartmouth) to help students who want to drop out for academic reasons
  • April 6, 1977, p. 1, “COSO will propose Forum, Am changes” by Joseph Neuhaus: COSO recommends redirecting some of AAS’s funds through them, instead of having the College directly fund AAS. 
  • May 10 1977, p. 1, “Afro-Am concerned with Black life at Dartmouth” by Jandel Allen: AAS is an organization that is “primarily concerned with offering support to the black community.”
  • The Freshman Issue, 1977, p. 12, “Minority students active in ethnic, campus events” by John B. McGrath: The activities of ethnic groups, like AAS, help students adapt to college life in Hanover and increases communication between people of different backgrounds on campus. 
  • January 11, 1979, p. 4, “Voces Clamantium: Understand the AM” by James DeFrantz: Letter to College clearing misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the purpose of AM
  • February 28, 1979, p. 1, 2, “Marchers demand end to race discrimination” by Greg Fossedal: Marchers demand an end to race discrimination at the college, with brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha joining AMM
  • March 6, 1979, p. 1, “Protest rally held on Green” by Rob Eshman: AAM helps lead a protest against the College’s “all-white community”
  • February 4, 1980, p. 1, 2, “Black student groups face high pressures, says prof at AM” by Jeffrey Meer: At a small school like Dartmouth, there is only one organization to deal with the needs of every black student
  • February 20, 1980, p. 2, 4, “Minority concerns recognized” by Stephen P. Anthony: The Undergraduate Council recognizes the Minority Coalition’s claims that the College’s traditions “implicitly exclude most women and minorities”
  • April 18, 1980, p. 17, “Minority associations: support or pressure groups?” by Cathy Camp: Minority associations like AAS claim there is not a lot of social pressure put on freshmen to join, but some students say otherwise
  • The Freshman Issue, 1980, p. 38-39, “Student organizations offer extracurricular outlets” by Paresh Vaish: AAS provides programs to meet the social and cultural needs of Blacks on campus
  • November 7, 1980, p. 2, “Money from COSO” by Shaun Gurl: AAS is one of the student organizations not funded by COSO, but from the College directly, due to its “program-oriented” nature. 
  • February 18, 1982, p. 4, “Vox Clamantis - A word on the Am” by Monteria Ivey: Letter from graduating senior saying racial “tension” on the campus is “not the fault of the Afro-American Society.”
  • May 20, 1982, p. 4, “Voces Clamantium - Afro Am purpose” by Stephan Dweck: Letter stating the Afro-American Society exists to provide a community for blacks but also educate the greater community about black culture.
  • February 10, 1989, p. 8, “The struggle continues, Black experiences at Dartmouth” by Yawu Miller: Article discusses the importance of the Am for Black students historically, mentions AAM; profiling the struggle for equal opportunity; 
  • February 4, 1993, p. 1, “Shabazz dedicates AAm center” by Ethan Sawyer: Dr. Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, gives a speech about African-Americans and humanity in the modern world.
  • October 28, 2011, p. 2, “Cutter-Shabazz: A look at Campus’s Black Community” by Jack Boger: An article on the “self segregation” of Black students at Dartmouth

Native American House

Vertical Files

Native Americans at Dartmouth I Vertical File

Pamphlets by the Native American Program from the 80s and 90s intended for prospective students; include profiles on current Native Students who found the program especially helpful. The Native American Program and Native American House have very close ties, with the program itself hosting many of its events at the house.

Native Americans at Dartmouth II Vertical File

  • Valley News, “Occum Inn Renovated For Native Americans,” 1994, announces the renovation of “Occum Inn” into the Native American House
  • Valley News (AP), 1990, “Dartmouth and Stanford Reap Success With Indian Programs,” says that the programs seek to educate a severely underserved population.
  • Dartmouth News Press Release, 1991, the Native American Program is receiving a $1.6 million dollar grant from Gordon W. Russell
  • Dartmouth News Press Release, 1992, Dartmouth to launch the “Full Circle Program” which seeks to increase the number of Native Graduates 

Native American Program Vertical File

  • Includes more promotional pamphlets about the Native American Program 
  • NAP bulletins with events such as Native Healers Presentation, a lecture titled “Evolution and Revolution: Indigenous Rights and Mexican Politics, and “Traditional Healing and Modern Medicine.”

DA-7: Dartmouth College, Provost Records

Box 4940, Facilities ACAD Affinity House (~1990s)

  • Letter from Colleen Larimore (Native American Program Director) to M. Lee Pelton (1992), concerning the inadequacies of the current Native American House (mostly size-related concerns) and the need for a new facility.
  • Letter from Colleen Larimore (Native American Program Director) to the Dean of Residential life (1992): A much lengthier letter than to Lee Pelton, Prof Larimore outlines the cultural and academic importance of the house and that it needs a new facility.

DA-8: Dean of the College records

Box 9555, Native American House 1991-1992 (1991-1992) 

Includes an academic program proposal for the new Native American House, a program summary, correspondences about the Occum Inn renovation, meeting notes from the Facilities Advisory Committee, budget sheets, funding opportunities for the House, and general correspondences regarding preparation to relocate the House. 

Box 7483, Native American House 1986-87 Dean’s Subject Files (1986-1987) 

Correspondences regarding repairs to the Native American House

DA-270: Dartmouth College, Office of Conferences and Special Events records

Box 10705, Native American House Dedication 5/12/1995 (1995)

Binder containing invitations to the Dedication Ceremony of the Native American House, a list of tribal representatives, a list of the planning committee, meeting minutes, external correspondences, and attendance reports

Box 11435, Native American House dedication, 1995-05-15 (1995)

Series of audio cassette recordings

DA-670: Dartmouth College, Office of Residential Life records

Box 52, Native American House ORL Subject Files (1973-2005) 

Includes copy of residential rules/policy, floor plan, and repair concerns for the Native American House, as well as statistical breakdown of NAD student population in a report. Also includes correspondences regarding NAD House needs and Native American counseling workshop.

Box 13208

Native American House Dedication 1994 (1994)

File includes guest list, correspondences between staff concerning preparations, and pamphlet

Native American House

Includes Native Americans at Dartmouth Constitution.

Special Interest Houses 4/98 (1998) 

Letter from Office of Residential life to Dean Shanahan (1989). Native American House: Space for six students; the house is incredibly important for the native american program, directed by Bruce Duthu

NA Center (Occum Inn) Renovations (1/1/1961-6/30/2001)
  • Memo (1994) from the Trustee Campus Planning Committee for the renovation of the Occum Inn, which was recently purchased from the Hitchcock Clinic, for housing and programming associated with Native American Students
  • Letter (1994) from Lee Pelton to the Facilities Advisory Committee explaining the role of the Native American House and associated programs

Box 8920

Native American House 18 North Park (2000-2001)

Correspondences about room assignments and key policies. Floor plans, budget sheets, meeting minutes, and general correspondence among administration about the Occum Inn Renovation.

The Dartmouth 

  • January 19, 1977, p. 2, “College Briefs: NAH joins IDC”: Inter-Dormitory Council unanimously accepted the Native American House. There will be no freshmen living in the house
  • January 19, 1982, p. 1, “Fire damages Native American House” by Leon Trefler: An accidental fire caused by a structural problem of the fireplace damages the Native American House, a close call for the students; the chairman of Buildings and grounds comments that there was extensive, but no structural damage
  • April 14, 1994, p. 1, “New house for Native American Program” by Colin Grey: A newly renovated, larger Native American House closer to campus will be ready for occupancy
  • May 15, 1995, p. 1, “Native American house dedicated by the College” by Charles Davant: President James Wright reaffirms College’s commitment to Native American students by formally dedicating a Native American House

Greek Affinity

DA-670: Dartmouth College, Office of Residential Life records

Box 13208, Special Interest Houses 4/98 (1998) 

Includes a letter from Office of Residential life to Dean Shanahan (1989). PanHellenic Fraternities and Sororities: These are all residence hall based organizations, with four to seven students living together each. They include: Delta Sigma Theta (sorority), Kappa Alpha Psi (fraternity), Alpha Phi Alpha (fraternity), Alpha Kappa Alpha (sorority)

Alpha Phi Alpha

The Dartmouth

  • October 19, 1973, p. 1, “Black Fraternity Holds First Death Night” by Fairfax Haxley III: The previous spring term was the first term of the Alpha Phi Alpha on Dartmouth’s campus; they performed their first “Death March,” a tradition that goes back to the national frat’s creation in 1906.
  • September 21, 1978, p. 1, 3, “Fire and Skoal acquires house” by Jill Shavel: Alpha Phi Alpha turns down 29 South Park Street, Fire and Skoal acquire it
  • February 8, 1979, p. 4, “Voces Clamantium: Freedom: Taking Action” by Don T. O-Bannon, Jr. : Editorial by an Alpha Phi explaining why the Alpha Phi Alphas will be participating in the divestment protest, solidarity with South Africans
  • February 28, 1979, p. 1, 2, “Marchers demand end to race discrimination” by Greg Fossedal: Marchers demand an end to race discrimination at the college, with brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha joining AMM
  • May 14, 1979, p. 3, Photo by Dave McQueeney: Brothers held a Black and Gold Ball in tribute to Black women at Dartmouth
  • April 10, 1980, p. 1, “Alpha Phi Alpha rush procedures examined” by Brent West: Alpha Phi Alpha president denies any evidence of “dirty rushing”, no charges declared
  • May 6, 1980, p. 1, “KKK guilty of hazing; Alpha Phi charges dropped” by Howard Morse: Alpha Phi Alpha found not guilty of alleged rush infractions; hearing was the result of misunderstandings due to lack of communication between IFC and fraternity
  • May 9, 1980, p. 1, 2, “CQSL wants less emphasis on frats but no abolition” by Phil Gerson: CQSL report says one of the first houses acquired should be allocated to Alpha Phi Alpha as they are recognized but do not have a facility
  • June 20, 1980, p. 1, 4, “Spring sees Kemeny resigns, frats reinstated” by Gary Levine: Alpha Phi Alpha is found not guilty after a hearing about alleged “dirty rushing”
  • October 22, 1980, p. 1, “Planning board to address prospective fraternity sites” by Leon Trefler: Alpha Phi Alpha remains looking for a building, caused by “insufficient fraternity housing.”
  • November 21, 1980, p. 6, “Voces Clamantium: Beyond the Bounds”: Alphas speak out against racism and sexism on campus
  • April 23, 1981, p. 1, 7, “FBO recommends plan to house three groups” by Phil Gerson: Alpha Phi Alpha is expected to decline the college’s offer of Foley House due to financial considerations. The likely future scenario will be that the college will build housing on 5 Occum Ridge, and by the time that is done the fraternity will have the adequate funds.
  • April 28, 1981, p. 1, “Trustees offer two fraternities houses” by Marie Center: Trustees offer Alpha Phi Alpha a house located at 42 College Street
  • May 25, 1981, p. 1, “Sigma Kappa accepts housing offer, Alpha Phi sets conditions”: Alpha Phi Alpha president states “changes have to be made, not only for [the fraternity], but for Hanover fire regulations too.”
  • January 21, 1982, p. 10, “Alpha Phi Alpha house opens” by Tricia Marinilli: Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity has moved into 42 College Street
  • February 5, 1982, p. 4, “Role of Afro-Am in race relations disputed” by Steve Anthony: The presidents of Am and Alpha Phi Alpha discuss current race relations and the potential “isolation” of Black students on campus
  • April 12, 1982, p. 1, “House dedication adds to 10-year celebration”: Dedication of the house marks the end of a search for a home for a 10-year old fraternity
  • April 28, 1982, p. 1, “Alpha Phi wins national award” by George Mannes: Dartmouth Alpha Phi Alpha wins a regional award at the fraternity’s Eastern convention
  • March 27, 1984, p. 1, “Alpha Phi Alpha sponsors first conference” by John Boiney : Alpha Phi Alpha hosts the annual Organization of New England Chapters of Alpha (ONECA) conference
  • May 6, 1985, p. 1, “Alpha Phi moving; sorority to get house” by Matthew Garcia: Alphi Phi Alpha gives up their current house at 42 College Street to move to 1 Occum.
  • October 14, 1988, p. 4, “With a common goal: Black fraternities and sororities” by Lulu Kroll: A long article on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, and Omega Psi Phi, dispelling myths about rush process and racial selectivity; emphasizing their importance of community and service
  • May 19, 2006, p. 17, “Alpha Phi Alpha to celebrate centennial in annual Step Show” by Leslie Adkins: Alpha Phi Alpha continues centennial celebration through annual Green Key Step Show
  • March 1, 2007, p. 2, “Alpha Phi Alpha holds 'Alpha Week'” by Anna Lotko: Alpha Phi Alpha hosts "Black Image and Self-Worth" discussion, among other events for ‘Alpha Week’ 
  • January 17, 2013, p. 1, “Alpha Phi Alpha to face hazing sanctions” by Jasmine Sachar: Alpha Phi Alpha sentenced to three terms of College probation after hazing allegations
  • February 10, 2013, "Shaw: A Light Punishment?": Opinion piece criticizing the hazing-related sanctions of Alpha Phi Alpha as too lenient.

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Alpha Kappa Alpha, ca.1990-2009 Vertical File (1990-2009)

Publication called *aware*aware*aware*aware* denounces various racist international developments as well as denouncing the Dartmouth Review

The Dartmouth

Kappa Alpha Psi

The Dartmouth

  • April 19, 1982, ?
    • A group of around 10 students are trying to start the fraternity on campus; described as new, secret, and predominantly Black; pledges are currently wearing orange turbans around campus and traveling to the national fraternity at Boston University during the weekend. 
  • January 15, 1987, p. 1, “College grants official recognition to fraternity” by Tri Thornhill: Kappa Alpha Psi, a national fraternity, received official verbal College recognition, with a letter soon to follow
  • October 14, 1988, p. 4, “With a common goal: Black fraternities and sororities” by Lulu Kroll: A long article on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, and Omega Psi Phi, dispelling myths about rush process and racial selectivity; emphasizing their importance of community and service
  • February 26, 1996, p. 1, “Students discuss black Greek life” by Jeffrey Giuffrida: Panel discusses the misconceptions that members of historically black organizations experience on campus
  • February 26, 1997, p. 1, “African-American houses strive to serve” by Erin Loback: African-American greek houses differ from the rest of the Greek system due to their focus on “community service and a lifetime commitment of their members”

Omega Psi Phi

The Dartmouth

  • July 19, 1988, p. 1, “Omega psi phi wants to be recognized” by Robert Ranco: College is not recognizing any more fraternities, sororities, or co-ed houses, but Omega Psi Phi feels as though the existing black frats do not give students enough option. 
  • October 14, 1988, p. 4, “With a common goal: Black fraternities and sororities” by Lulu Kroll: A long article on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, and Omega Psi Phi, dispelling myths about rush process and racial selectivity; emphasizing their importance of community and service
  • January 22, 2007, p. 1, “Historically black frat strives for recognition” by Amita Kulkarni: Omega Psi Phi remains relatively unknown, despite being on campus for two years
  • April 18, 2023, "Omega Psi Phi re-establishes local chapter on campus after 31-year absence" by Angus Yip: New member presentation celebrates the revitalization of the Theta Beta Beta chapter of Omega Psi Phi that has not been active at Dartmouth for 31 years

Jewish Fraternities

See: Establishment of Jewish Fraternities on Campus - Christian Dawkins, '22 Fellow

Pi Lambda Phi

The Dartmouth
  • November 11, 1925, p. 2, “Pi Lambda Phi in the Interfraternity Council”: Members of other fraternities decide if a Pi Lambda Phi delegate should get a seat on IFC
  • November 17, 1925, p. 2, “Pi Lambda Phi should be Admitted”: The Dartmouth editorial board calls on the Interfraternity Council to admit Pi Lambda Phi; note that they first submitted a petition 6 months ago
  • December 3, 1925, p. 1, “Fraternities Oppose Recognition by 13-10”: Canvass of chapter votes indicates refusal of petition of Pi Lambda Phi for Admittance 
  • December 4, 1925, p. 1, “Pi Lambda Phi Admission Question Still Undecided”: Delta Kappa Epsilon votes in favor of admitting Pi Lambda Phi, making the count 13-11, not 13-10
  • December 7, 1925, p. 3, “13 to 12 Final Count of Admitting New Fraternity”: Chi Phi votes in favor of Pi Lambda Phi’s admittance
  • December 1, 1925, p. 1, “Fraternities Reject Pi Lambda Phi 11-8”: The Interfraternity Council rejects Pi Lambda Phi by a vote of 11-8
  • March 18, 1927, p. 1, “Pi Lambda Phi Is Admitted To Interfraternity Group”: The Interfraternity council admits Pi Lambda Phi, 17 greek houses voted to admit the new fraternity, 8 voted against or abstained
  • September 20, 1929, p. 6, (Resolution): Pi Lambda Phi honors the passing of brother Joseph J. Rose ‘29
  • November 18, 1937, p. 1, “Pi Lambda Phi Holds Lead in Marks Ranking”: Pi Lambda Phi retains its top position in the fraternity scholastic standings
  • September 23, 1953, p. 6, “Fraternities Spend $100,000, Renovate, Refurnish Houses”: Pi Lambda Phi leads the way of refurbishing houses by buying and redoing the late Dr. Carlton’s previous home
  • September 24, 1955, p. 2, “Pi Lambda Phi Takes Issue”: Brothers of Pi Lambda Phi addresses editorial on Sept. 23 suggesting Pi Lambda Phi is a Jewish fraternity, not fit for a democratic campus
  • May 9, 1963, p. 1, “Pi Lam at Brown Severs Affiliation With Parent Group”: Pi Lam chapter at Brown University decides to go local due to lack of activity towards goals by national. 
  • February 28, 1967, p. 1, 3, “Fraternity Presidents Adopt Revised Spring Rush Plan”: IFC accepts revised proposal to let freshman visit fraternities for two days at the beginning of the Spring term, instead of the previously established three days
  • May 1, 1972, p. 1, 3, “Pi Lamda Phi: How Much Longer a Nice Bunch of Guys?” by Drew Newman: Pi Lambda Phi faces a financial crisis as a downward “trend toward joining fraternities” prevents them from consolidating interest during rush

Sigma Alpha Mu

The Dartmouth
  • September 27, 1931, p. 1, “405 of Class of 1934 are Pledged”: Sigma Alpha Mu welcomes 7 new pledges for the class of 1934
  • May 31, 1934, p. 1, “Beta House Leased by Sigma Alpha Mu”: Sigma Alpha Mu leases the old Beta Theta Pi house in back of South Mass. 
  • September 18, 1934, p. 11, “Sigma Alpha Mu Will Use Old Beta House”: Sigma Alpha Mu will move into Beta’s old house this year; the house is currently being remodeled.

Tau Epsilon Phi

The Dartmouth
  • May 15, 1950, p. 1, “Tau Epsilon Phi Becomes 23rd Dartmouth Chapter”: Tau Epsilon Phi opens its chapter at Dartmouth
  • September 27, 1950, p. 11, “T. E. Phi Prepares House, Renovation Nears Completion”: Tau Epsilon Phi is completing renovations of the house, including the cellar, parking lot, and various rooms to sleep 13 men
  • November 28, 1951, p. 1, “Pledges Snap Pooches’ Pics for TEP Composite": TEP pledges complete their composite pledge project by taking photos and measurements of almost every dog in Hanover. 
  • September 24, 1955, p. 2, “Tau Epsilon Phi Clarifies Position”: Brothers of TEP addresses editorial on Sept. 23 suggesting negative rush policies
  • May 28, 1965, p. 1, 2, “TEP Builds New Wing, Considers Going Local” by Michael W. Wilson: TEP announces final plans for its $27,500 addition to the house
  • December 2, 1966, p. 1, “TEP Sprinklers Flood Basement”: Two inches of water flood the TEP basement due to an electrical mishap
  • February 13, 1967, p. 1, “White Hair Denies TEP Use Of College Hostess Rooms” by James Heath: TEP brothers denied use of the College Hostess to get rooms due to their decision to not give up their rooms for housing Carnival dates the past weekend
  • February 14, 1967, p. 2, “Something Better”: Editorial blaming TEP for not offering housing over Carnival Weekend
  • September 25, 1969, p. 1, “Fraternity Goes Local in Voting” by Dave Bartkowski: TEP decides to end affiliation with national chapter and go local

Note: This list is not an exhaustive representation of all materials in Rauner Special Collections Library on the above subject(s). To search for additional sources, use the library catalog or online finding aids.

Credit to Connor Schafer '25 and Emily Jung '27 for researching, compiling, and formatting this bibliography.

Last updated: January 2025

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