Fernando de Rojas, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. En Anvers: En casa de Philippo Nucio, 1568.

Fernando de Rojas, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. En Anvers: En casa de Philippo Nucio, 1568.
Ticknor includes a lengthy discussion of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas, in his History of Spanish Literature. Writing of one of the most important texts of the late medieval and early modern period, Ticknor’s analysis reveals the influence of his Boston Brahmin milieu: “The great offence of the Celestina, however, is, that large portions of it are foul with a shameless libertinism of thought and language. Why the authority of church and state did not at once interfere to prevent its circulation seems now hardly intelligible.”
Fernando de Rojas
Date Created
Philippo Nucio
Place of Publication
Public domain
Bibliographic Citation
Rojas, Fernando de. Tragicomedia de calisto y Melibea : En la qual se contienen de mas de su agradable y dulce estilo muchas sentencias filosofales y auisos muy necessarios para mancebos: mostrandoles los engaños que estan encerrados en siruientes y alcahuetas. En Anvers: En casa de Philippo Nucio, 1568.PQ6426 .A1 1568
Case Number
Case 2
Item Number
Item 11